Another year passes us by, and within each of its
seasons, I found there were encounters that captivated; lessons learned; people
and things loved, floating adrift, only to be found again.
There were leaps and bounds along with cross-legged stay-still-where-you-are's. There were words and pictures, stories and silence, falsehoods and truths. There were fingers, toes, tears,
laughter. There were promises and plans, some broken, some seen through. There
were cups of tea we drank, and there were trees at which we stared, many mesmerized. There were stars and a blood moon. There were gusts of wind and warm breezes. There was blue, like the sky beneath which we all spent our days; there was green that fell to orange, and brown that fell to empty, and empty that was cloaked by white, snow that is, the fruit of winter; then there was yellow… yellow, yellow, like the sun and flowers.
There were meetings with friends, old and new. There
were meetings with strangers. There were, it seems, meetings with fate too. There
was both solemnity and elation. There was what-to-do-now and
A cheerful New Year to everyone!